Creating New Beginnings
Residential, Behavior Health, &
Substance Abuse Linkage
Residential - Short Term Treatment Program

MGF Short-Term Residential Treatment Programs (STRTP) is designed to mitigate identified emotional disruptions, mental health concerns and barriers that prevent youth from assimilating in community settings. MGF STRTP six bed facilities provides 24-hour care and supervision to male youth, 12–21 years old. Youth that are placed by Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services and Probation.
STRTP Details - Treatment

The behaviors are typically the result of a history of trauma, abuse, neglect and/or abandonment. Treatment of this complex trauma requires an integrated, multidisciplinary approach encompassing significant relationship investment, trust building, and commitment to trauma-informed approaches. Youth in care receive specialty mental health services such as therapy, rehabilitation services, case management and crisis intervention.
STRTP Details - The Process

Due to the same intimate setting, MGF fosters a healthy home environment as a tool to build basic life skills through daily events such as getting ready for school, participating in household chores, being acknowledged for prosocial behaviors, linkages to extracurriculars and recreational activities; other independent living skills necessary to successfully function as a self-efficient and productive person in society.
Behavior Health

MGF provides care to youth that have severe and persistent challenges in social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health functioning. Although services are individually tailored, the program provides anger management, seeking safety and notably mindfulness techniques that combat co-occurring substance use, LGBTQ+, gender affirming care, gang prevention referrals, mentorship linkages, youth who have been exposed to sex trafficking, and victims of abuse, neglect and adverse childhood experiences.
Mental Health Services

Plan Development
Therapy (Individual, Family or Group)
Medication Support Services
Intensive Care Coordination
Intensive In-Home Support Services
Crisis Intervention
Targeted Case Management
Substance Abuse Linkages
Transitional Support Services
Appropriate Referrals for Identified Needs
​Substance Abuse Linkage

​MGF recognizes that co-occurring disorders with substance use and critical care and clinical services are provided to treat.